
Kenza, we don't need to introduce you to her anymore! She is an author, columnist, journalist, teacher, editorialist and producer. She leads writing workshops and is currently working on a graphic novel project. A regular contributor to Shaeri Mag, she led our very first "Free Your Hair" workshop. What does she have to say about her relationship with her hair?

With a mantra like Power is in the Hair, it's clear that hair is a real issue for Kenza - and one that goes far beyond mere appearances. It is a central part of her personality. For her, "everything is political and everyone can be an actor of change!"

She has "always felt it was important to wear her hair natural", even though there has always been a huge pressure to straighten her hair and "conform to 'foreign' beauty standards".

"It's my hair that chooses, not me!" From this realisation, she "learned to accept the randomness in her life from what's on my head".


Her #hairtop:

At 17, the day she arrived in France, someone stopped her in the street and told her she had "incredible hair potential"!

Her #hairflop:

 In fifth grade, when she got an Alizée haircut, a straight bob: of course, after the first wash, her hair took over and she "went from Alizée to Angela Davis"!

Her #hairtips:

All the high hairstyles, the big buns, it's very pretty and easy to do... and then "it works even better when the hair is dirty"!

Shaeri ❤️  Kenza