Jessica !
I was so moved when Jessica, recently elected Miss African Union, contacted us! Jessica is the symbol of Africa's future: young, pretty, dynamic and driven.
So, tell us Jessica, who are you?
How did you become 'Miss'?
I started modeling at a very early age, as a baby, and at 19 years old, after graduating from my literary baccalaureat, I decided to start a modeling career. In 2012, I participated in 'Miss La Rochelle' election (I was not selected), and in 2015 I became 'First Dauphine' of 'Top Model Chad'.
Participating in 'Miss African Union' contest was obvious: for so many years I didn't win the supreme title of Miss, so I had to try one last time, having acquired maturity and confidence over the years .
What is your mission during your term?
As Miss African Union, I have two projects. One being the committee's project to help homeless children and war orphans. The second is my personal project which is to help young entrepreneurs of African origins, from the diaspora or living on the continent. By setting up conferences to put them in touch with entrepreneurs, mentors and investors. To enable them to realize their dreams and highlight their projects.
I started by creating an association called "Millennials Entrepreneurs", to meet young entrepreneurs and organize conferences.
According to you, what role should women play in Africa's economy?
Here we like to talk about hair... describe yours?
A complicated love story, but not too much. One day we love each other, the next day we don't. Volume up, but flat down. Curls in the morning, and dry at night. They love rain, but "shrink" as soon as they're dry. But the divorce will not be pronounced, because basically, without my curls my interbreeding would not be complete.What's your best 'moment' with your hair? Your #hairtop?
And your #hairflop?
Every morning! All day, my hair is free, brush or like a pineapple. It highlights my face or my outfit. But as soon as the moment to rest comes, I have to tie it in a certain way, so that the next day it's as beautiful as the day before... but as soon as I wake up everything is gone, the texture, the curls and the shine! This is our daily life for my hair and I.
Do you have a little tips to share with us? A #hairtips ?
Treat your hair like a salad! All products that are good for your body are good for your hair. Avocado, mayonnaise, okra, egg, mustard oil. Mix everything, rinse and your hair, it will be less dry and your curls will be highlighted!
Shaeri ❤️ Jessica