A life of influences

Kenza Sadoun El Glaoui is one of the pioneers in the world of Influence. For 15 years, she has been inventing her profession - which is constantly evolving, and she tells us about this adventure in her book "Ma vie sous influence", published by Eductions Leduc.
Could you introduce yourself in a few lines?
My name is Kenza, I am 34 years old and I live in Paris. I have been blogging "Kenza's review" since 2008, and all the social networks associated with it. I talk about fashion, beauty, Lifestyle and other subjects that touch me.
How did you become an influencer?
How do you see the influence in 5 years?
The same way! It's all about the cycle. Those we call the new generation will be the old ones, and new influencers will emerge through maybe other platforms that will be created in the meantime. But I strongly believe that it is now a profession that has taken root, and that it is not going to stop any time soon.
With Shaeri, we talk about hair: how would you define yours?
I had curly hair when I was younger. Until I started sweeping, straightening , I was always very curly. Now it's still as thick as ever, but I would say more wavy than curly. I don't know if the nature of my hair has changed, or if I've used too many treatments, but it takes up a lot of space 'physically speaking' (long and thick).
Have you always taken care of your hair?
Yes, rather! I've always heard my family and friends tell me that I had beautiful hair, so I was very confident about it. But naturally, like most teenage girls, I felt like going against the nature of my hair. I had a period where I systematically read it!
Do you have a 'top hair' experience to share with us? A hair flop?
I've always taken care of my hair, but where I found it hot was during my pregnancy. We were in the middle of our confinement, I had time to take care of it, to apply oils to it, and to let my masks stay on for quite a long time.
The worst thing I could do to them was a raven black dye, combined with a straightening, and a haircut like a rat tail. It was awful, but 15 years ago it was a real box !